The International Research Journal of Management Science

Author Guidelines

General Author Guidelines for Submitting a Paper

1. Manuscript Preparation

  • Title Page: Include the title of the paper, author names, affiliations, and contact information for the corresponding author.
  • Abstract: Provide a concise summary of the paper, usually around 150-200 words, highlighting the main purpose, methods, findings, conclusions, and implications.
  • Keywords:  5 keywords that represent the main topics of the paper.
  • Main Text: Structure the paper typically into sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Introduction: Outline the background, research gap, research questions, objectives, limitation, and expected outcome in paragraph

Literature Review

Only relevant literature both theories and empirical and theoretical framework


Need to include in details but precisely description of population, sampling techniques, study variables, sample size with logically proved or derived from calculation based on formula, data nature, data collection tool and its reliability and validity and data analysis methods.

Results and Analysis: Present the findings of the study with appropriate tables and figures. Need to prove the hypothesis through the number of tables or pictorial presentation but no need to explain unnecessarily the demographic description of the respondents. In case of secondary data, only precise table needs to present.

Discussion: After analysis, discussion part is must. The findings of the study should compare with the previous studies of the same area.


Need to mention how the findings of the study contribute in the body of knowledge and enrich the current practices of the particular subjects. What is the policy implication and how is it possible?


The gist of the study needs to mention in this section which should be derived from the result and analysis. The major finding should be translated into meaningful text. It is mentioned in paragraph rather than bullet and number.


Suggestions should be evidence-based and aimed at improving the existing condition of the particular subject. Based on the evidence, we suggest that…….  This approach is intended to enhance the current situation. Authors should not propose suggestions based solely on personal opinions.

2. Formatting

  • Style and Language: Ensure the manuscript is written in clear, concise, and formal academic English. The journal adheres to APA 7 guidelines, so authors are required to submit their papers in this format. 
  • Figures and Tables: Number and title all figures and tables. Provide captions and ensure they are cited in the text.
  • References: Include a complete list of references cited in the manuscript, formatted according to the journal’s citation style. 

3. Submission Process

  • Cover Letter: Write a cover letter to the editor, including the title of the paper, a brief description of its significance, and a statement that the manuscript is original and not under consideration elsewhere.
  • Online Submission System: You are required to visit and fill up a form for the submission. If it does not work, then you may submit your paper at [email protected]
  • Supplementary Information: Include any additional materials, such as datasets, appendices, or multimedia files, if applicable.

4. Ethical Considerations

  • Originality and Plagiarism: Ensure the manuscript is original and does not contain plagiarized content. Properly cite all sources, ensuring the work has not been submitted or published elsewhere.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that might affect the research or its interpretation.

Adhere to the specified word limit of 10,000 words for original research articles, concept papers, or literature reviews.

5. Review Process

This journal operates a double anonymized review process. All contributions will be initially assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor's decision is final. Editors are not involved in decisions about papers which they have written themselves or have been written by family members or colleagues or which relate to products or services in which the editor has an interest. All submissions may need to undergo these processes before a final decision is made regarding publication. This journal is available in both print and online versions, with the online version accessible on NepJOL and other digital media platforms.

6. Final Submission

Once your paper is accepted, you need to ensure it is error-free. To achieve this, you are required to thoroughly review and edit the paper.

  • Proofreading: Carefully proofread the final version of the manuscript to eliminate any errors.
  • Compliance: Ensure that the final manuscript complies with all journal-specific guidelines and requirements before resubmission.



The International Research Journal of Management Science (IRJM)

Nepal College of Management, Kathmandu University

Dhobighat, Lalitpur

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