NCM unfolds boundless opportunities for catalyzing the talent, ability, and efforts of the students so that foundations are built for the crystallization of the students’ academic visions and career objectives in a most conducive environment.

To make education socially meaningful and personally enriching, life at NCM spreads beyond the frontiers of classrooms. NCM fosters an enabling environment for the seeds of enterprise, initiative, drive, skills, and responsibility of the students sprout and bloom. Students take advantage of the many extra- and co-curricular activities offered in plenty, broadening their horizons, enriching their experiences, fostering their sense of accountability, and evolving them into professionals who respect, and respond to, the cause for enhanced social responsibility with full competence and credibility. You will find diverse student activities under the students’ council, a wide range of sports, a host of volunteer opportunities, frequent inter-college arrangements focusing on common activities, cooperation, and coordination, and cultural activities reflecting an ideal social institution. The social orientation is essentially ingrained in the NCM life as the College is an offspring of a social trust.

At Nepal College management , you are part of the larger NCM profile and trust where the College, business and social leaders, accomplished professionals, institutions representing diverse business, financial, and economic fields as well as the community constantly interact meaningfully, benefitting the stakeholders in an ideal academic and social setting of mutual trust and harmony. Nepal